EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

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Description:    Ltd. «Agrotorg» brand «Pyaterochka», for several years, uses the EAS system OdexPro.
   Installed in more than 180 of our stores in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region OdexPro system proved to be reliable, modern and effective means of preventing theft.
   Through the use of systems we OdexPro daily attempts to register and presekaem-take unpaid merchandise from trading floor, which allows us to reduce to a minimum the losses due to theft among buyers and maintain the profitability of our stores at a high level.
   OdexPro Fashion System - is not only a guarantee of protection trading floor, but also the perfect solution for maintaining the style of interior, a single in all stores «Pyaterochka»: protective antenna mounted on them with advertising panels, organically fit into the interior of a trading hall and provide an effective means of advertising .
   Within a few years the use of EAS systems OdexPro we saw that the equipment meets all requirements, and we are planning to install the system in all our OdexPro re-opening shops.
   Ltd. «Agrotorg» encourages all holders of the trade network «Pyaterochka» radio frequency EAS system OdexPro Fashion as a reliable tool for reducing losses arising out of theft among buyers.

Ltd. «Agrotorg»    Lepkovich S
У группы компаний «ДИАЛ» изменился номер телефона. Новый номер телефона: +7 812 7777 814  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку противокражных ворот, предназначеных для чтения RFID меток и оптимизированных для применения в составе системы автоматизации библиотеки. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/odexpro-fashion-rfid.html  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

Specifications antennas
Внешний детектор магнитов
OdexPro Fashion
OdexPro Fashion Long
OdexPro Fashion XL
OdexPro Shielded
OdexPro Classic
OdexPro Classic Shielded
OdexPro PLexi
diplomas, awards, reviews
Posters for systems
Education experts
EuroShop 2008
MIPS 2008
Our production
Business Coalition
Automation retail

Orenburgskaya street, house 29 St. Petersburg, Russia. tel. +7 (812) 7777-814
tel. +7 (812)542-57-21
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