EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

Company ALPRO

  ALPRO Company ALPRO is founded in 1993 for rendering a full spectrum of the services connected with equipment of objects of various purpose by means of the security-fire signal system, the control and management of access, video observation, automation and technical monitoring, and also development and manufacture of the corresponding equipment. With participation ALPRO in the St.-Petersburg State Space University for the first time in the country there has been begun training on a letting out speciality " Means of the security signal system ". Besides it, at different stages ALPRO assisted in the organization of educational process of profile specialities in following educational institutions:
   * The center of preparation of the personnel of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation
   * Courses of improvement of qualification of technical experts Protection at the Voronezh institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
   * Military university of communication
ALPRO is a member of Commercial and industrial Chamber of S.Peterburga, consists in the international societies " Friends to Russian museum "," Friends to the State Hermitage " and club " Friends to a museum-monument " the Narva triumphal arch ". ALPRO Renders the sponsor's support the "Big bear" and "Opora".

 The address: 194100, St.-Petersburg, Big Sampsonievsky Prospect., 70, lit. "B"

Multichannel phone:
Hot line of service of technical support: (812) 702-17-52

The general electronic address of the company: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it


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У группы компаний «ДИАЛ» изменился номер телефона. Новый номер телефона: +7 812 7777 814  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку противокражных ворот, предназначеных для чтения RFID меток и оптимизированных для применения в составе системы автоматизации библиотеки. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/odexpro-fashion-rfid.html  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

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Automation retail

Orenburgskaya street, house 29 St. Petersburg, Russia. tel. +7 (812) 7777-814
tel. +7 (812)542-57-21
Rambler's Top100 Unisen Electronic Article Surveillance Telsec ESS компания alproГруппа компаний Диполь Рейтинг@Mail.ru
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